Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tales from the flight from the H-word

It’s finally T-day – travel day that is – as I make my way to India to enjoy the monsoons and jet lag. I’m actually quite excited as I do love(ish) Pune. Maybe it’s just the fodder it provides for blog land, but there is something about it there.

This round I’m on Lufthansa, cheaper than BA and a friend told me “all great business people negotiate and wizen each other on Lufthansa. Having a seat near the restroom, I got to the airport early to position myself closer to the front. The ideal is aisle/emergency row, but millions of travelers have caught on to this ideal and have agents who jockey for the seats well in advance. After being seated I realized I did myself an injustice … kids, lots of them. Molly, don’t get me wrong – I do enjoy these mini people – it’s just the yelling, crying, and food throwing that I can’t quite get used to.

Finally settled in with my Financial Times and US weekly at hand (gotta have something for both ranges of the reader spectrum) I was ready for the entertainment. I looked up eagerly wanting to flip through the free movies and TV shows to find nothing but chair. Lufthansa does not tout the hours of brainless entertainment BA did – instead there’s one small TV displaying cartoons and Backstreet Boys music videos. Drat.

On to the food. One thing I often surprisingly enjoy about travel is the food – little cookies with a small salad and chicken perfectly packaged and accompanied by mini bottles of fancy water and soda. Mmm. Not this trip. Salted chicken with salted rice and a side of salted risotto with a piece of cheese and a cardboard-esque piece of brown something. Hmmm. After attempting to dig bits of vegetable out of the risotto, I succumbed to pulling up the garnish lettuce and enjoying that with cheese and bread. The redeeming treats? The cheese was Tillamook (delish!) and the on-flight beer bottled Hoegarten. The problem here, though, the man next to me is clearly lactose intolerant and flaunting it (yeah, I’m going there … sorry).


Too many hours later...

The journey continues and I'm in the Frankfurt airport. I think I just lost 2-years off my life from second hand smoke. Also, I have yet to see one smile. Then again, who really smiles when travelling.

1 comment:

Dasher said...

Regarding Kids on Planes... When Ty was a toddler, we were so protective of fellow passengers like yourself that we would seat another family member in front of him so the seatback he was idling kicking belonged to one of us.