Friday, August 24, 2007

Sushi grove

Tonight I enjoyed the hotel sushi restaurant for dinner - it's a 20% discount and just 25 floors down so it's perfect. After I told the hostess "table for one please" I was seated at the sushi bar - I think solo diners at a table must be a nono. The funny thing was the restaurant was sprawling with five rooms and three sushi bars. I was put in an empty room at an empty sushi bar - more for me!

After stuffing myself with uni, crab, and fish I can't name, I started chatting with the chef.

Chef: "are you here for business?"
Amber: "yes ... and to explore Singapore - I'm so excited to be here."
Chef: "ah - yes yes. But Singapore is small, not much to explore."
Amber: "are you from here?"
Chef: "no no - Japan."
Amber: "ah, how'd you wind up here?"
Chef: "first I left Japan and moved to L.A., then Germany, then around Asia more, now here."
Amber: "I'm jealous."

The chef at dinner was enlightening and inspiring - he decided at 24 that living in the same place his whole life wouldn't teach him about the world. So he took off - to explore the world. Now that's what I call rad. BAM!

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