Monday, August 20, 2007

The boom

Funny thing about strange and unknown places - you're ready for strange and unknown things to happen but aren't always ready with how to handle them. Usually it's just to smile and pretend 'oh, yeah, I'm used to being stuck in a traffic jam because 50people painted orange decided to go dancing in the street.'

Tonight just as I was falling asleep there was a horrific BOOM outside. Not the monsoon summer boom that would insight me to run to the window eager for rain. Not really 100% sure what the boom was - the only time I've heard gun booms is on TV ... ok, and that one time at 4H when I joined the rifle club (but that was a long time ago and I've put it behind me).

Just after the boom, the whole house shook. This was a shocking act of something considering all the floors are marble and sturdier than Arnold's flexed arm in the 80s.

So, here I lay awake at 1:50am more scared than a 4year old who just watched her first scary TV show and can't dangle her feet over the side of the bed. Seriously. I've locked the door, checked the mothball filled closets, tightened the curtains, and looked in the drawers under the bed. You never know - boogy men can be small.

What a wimp! I think the curry is getting to me.

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