Thursday, August 16, 2007

Car conversations

I'm learning that car-rides are the perfect time to learn more about Indian culture - given that 1-mile takes about 45-minutes there's plenty of time for observation and questions.

This morning on the way into work - conversation with driver:
Amber: "People in Bangalore seem to drive in the lanes but not here, why?"
Driver: "Because we don't have to. No-one does it. The police don't care."
Amber: "If there were lanes in the road here, would people follow them?"
Driver: "No no, madam, it's just crazy on the road. Even with lanes people wouldn't pay attention and they'd go all over the place. Also, the police don't care and wouldn't enforce lanes."

On the way home - conversation with carpool buddy:
Amber: "One of the interesting things about working in another country and interviewing is I get to learn even more about different cultures."
Carpool buddy: "Yes, it's interesting."
Amber: "Culture question for you - I noticed a lot of folks say "yea, yea, yea, yea" over people when they're talking. Why? If they're saying it they can't hear me."
Carpool buddy: "Yes, it's weird I agree."
Amber: "Is it that they're saying 'yes, I get it - I can do that,' or 'yep, still listening'?"
Carpool buddy: "Yes, it's just to say they're still listening - still there. Not necessarily that they understand - they just hear you. OMG, I said yes again. Oh man I'm paranoid now."
Amber: "heh"

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