Saturday, August 25, 2007


The gym at my hotel is just next to the pool which makes for some fun people watching. What's better is the one-way windows where those inside the gym can see out but those outside just see themselves which makes for great entertainment watching people watch themselves.

The pool crowd:

It seems like everything here is in twos:
  • 2-girls in pink: I'm not sure why with the 90 degree temperature, but two girls at the pool showed up dawned in ping wetsuits with pink water caps. They did everything in tandem - jumped in the pool, swam across, they even seemed to come up for air in tandem. Water ballerinas in the making?
  • 2-boys in red: I'm not even going to go into what I think of the colors. The boys in red were much less graceful - they too did everything in tandem but in a young boys way. They raced around the pool, yelled, and tagged each other almost mirroring each other the entire time.
  • 2-speedo men: thy style here is definitely speedo. Two men perched themselves in front of the mirrored gym windows. Periodically they'd stand up and adjust their speedo while ab flexing in the gym window.


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