Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My hotel is too cool for me

I just arrived in NY and am lodged at the posh Hudson hotel. The hotel looks like a Sex in the City set with a neon yellow entry and oh-so-modern furniture throughout.

Checking in the boy at the reception desk was eager to tell me about the fab mod architecture that leverages the feeling of dorm rooms crossed with ship hulls for the rooms. My room feels like a dorm room minus a ship hull - tiny. I couldn't sit on the floor if I tried. The bed is low to the ground but a square mirror takes up nearly the entire small wall while a small desk with large silver chair sits perched in the corner looking perfect for an uncomfortable hours' work.

While I love fashion and try to stay "on top of the game" I'm feeling thoroughly out of the loop. I donned my black trousers, Theory white T, and green lululemon wrap, but I stick out like a bumpkin. Everyone is in black ... all black. Black ballet flats, pencil pants, Ts or blouses, and black framed glasses are 'IT.' Oh the horror of being so bold to wear green. (Sigh) I guess I'll just have to go shopping. Life is hard.

Luckily, the great outdoors surrounding the hotel are perfect. Well, the perfection comes in the outdoor roof bar/snack area with wireless. Who can complain if the office suddenly has a view of the entire NYC skyline and the officemates are equally as posh and rad as those at home? I also enjoyed a quick city jaunt to the market after I realized I forgot a toothbrush. There's always something. Hmm...maybe next time I should forget shoes and go on a mandatory shopping outings...nah. I'd prefer a SF abode.

I could get used to this ...


mattimus said...

So nautical's in now? I'll have to keep that in mind...

Lucy Autrey Wilson said...

Now imagine how I felt staying there. Besides wearing black, everyone is under age 30 and it's so dark you think your eyesight is going.