Sunday, September 2, 2007


Srini made it to the hotel around 9pm (my standard bed time) and we headed out for dinner. At every stop light, just as I was about to jaywalk, Srini would throw his arm out and say "No! No. They'll hit you." Srini explained that even though it may not look like a car is coming, they're often speeding up the road and if it's not a green light for pedestrians they have no qualms hitting you. Ouch.

We made our way through the busy streets of Shinjuku, past a handful of booming electronics stores, and to a 4-story restaurant tucked in an ally. Once in the front door we were directed to the elevator to make our way to the fourth floor. Despite not having a clue what anyone was saying, I nodded and smiled and followed Srini.

Once seated I was cloaked with cigarette smoke. All the tables around us had a white haze hovering over them as people were chain smoking between bites of stuff (I don't know what anything was - definitely not California roll). Srini ordered for both of us - something chicken, chicken skin (I gave him mine), a fish, sashimi, something green, and something wiggly. Most of it was delicious! Some I didn't have the guts to try - shocking, I know.

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