Sunday, June 1, 2008

26.2 - Marathon day!

Because my brain is still not quite working (not to mention my knees, feet, hips, etc.) this'll be a short one. It was the San Diego Rock & Roll marathon today and it was quite a day. I finished just under 3:40 at 3:39:57 and, with only 3-seconds, I made it to the Boston marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes (insert cuss words expressing uber happiness here).

You can view the finish line video online at:

I'm at 3:42:15 - yes, I know that's not under 3:40, but I didn't get across the starting line until 6:37:40 this morning and, by the power of technology, was logged - hence subtracting the surplus minutes from my actual time. Whew - I thought the race winded me, but that sentence was a toughy too!


rcpeters said...


Lucy Autrey Wilson said...

You are incredible!

Lucy Autrey Wilson said...

You are incredible!

Unknown said...

Are we taking a family trip to Boston next spring?