Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Emily “tagged” me with six questions and, not being one to stop a chain letter or email forward, here I go:

What did you do 10 years ago?
I was a senior at Drake High and was SO ready to get out of Marin for the green pastures of Cal Poly.

Five items on your to-do list:

  1. Train for Boston Marathon (I guess if I got in I should try to keep up with the “real” runners)
  2. Clean our house … or find a good local cleaner
  3. Prep for our canoing/camping weekend (this is more mental prep as I’m not really a camper)
  4. Get tickets to Boston for Lily’s wedding
  5. Kayak – it’s been too long

Snacks I enjoy:
Rice cakes (no, really), coffee (is that a snack?), oranges, little candies (mm mini Butterfinger), dried mango, grapes, carrot sticks

What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Have a house on top of Russian Hill with parking, a house on the beach in Mexico, and a condo in Bruges.
Get a trainer.
Start a school or fund for global education emphasizing comprehension, the arts, and history. Buy lots of “trannie” shoes.

Places I would live:
San Francisco, Bruges, Madrid, New York, Boston, London, Singapore, Korea.

Jobs I have had:

  • Library docent
  • Camp counselor at special needs camp (in Hawaii – tough)
  • Café server
  • Clerk at the Gap
  • Barista at our college coffee shop
  • Publishing intern (very glam indeed)
  • Teacher (LBLP)
  • Consultant for schools (LBLP)
  • Account manager/business development
  • Marketing manager

I tag Molly and mom.

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