Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh what a wonderful weekend! Oh what a wonderful day!

I love summers in San Francisco. Today was a scorcher and it was an SF summer to the core. On top of the perfect weather, glowing white bodies, street side dining, and excellent sales, it was a perfect friend day.

For Lily's bridal shower today, Susan coordinated the perfect event at Lovejoy's Tea Room. We met at 3:30 for tea, sandwiches (no crust - never tried that one before and I now have a new culinary notch on my belt), crumpets, scones, and cream. The group who met up to celebrate Lily's upcoming wedding were amazing - truly the kind of people who make you feel better for getting to spend time with them.

At the end of the tea, Lily's mother hired a tea leaf reader to come and tell our fortunes. After each fortune was read, the girls seemed to come back baffled murmuring "she knows me ... weird!"

My reading, on the other hand, went something like this:

"Your husband is firey and it can be difficult sometimes." Matt is the most mellow person I've ever met and he evens me out.

"You think too much before you speak and often hold back on things you really want to say." I often have diarrhea of the mouth and words seem to fly from my brain to the strangers and acquaintances in front of me.

"You'll grow much closer to your sibling this year." I'm an only child.

She did give some good advice, though. I asked how to further my career and she said to look up to and learn from my boss. I agree with this advice.

After tea I came home to my sick Matty and we rented 27 Dresses on pay-per-view. A perfect chick flick to the core. The flick inspired me to try on my wedding dress and I'm thrilled to say it still fits. Woohoo! Even more thrilled to reminisce on the fact that my dress was only $175 - off the rack, no alterations. Because of the deal, I was able to buy 2 pairs of Manolo's and a pair of Jimmy's in varied shades of ivory and white. I love weddings.

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