Monday, November 17, 2008

I forgot my pants when I went to work today!

No - I'm not going to write about Sponge Bob No Pants - the (half) costumed man who ran Bay to Breakers next to Linz and I last year...

Lately I've been riding my bike to work. It's great! I get there in 10-15-minutes (whereas walking takes 45-minutes), I'm learning a new culture (aka, bike culture), and I get to give my knees a break. The downside is I can't ride in my work clothes dress or skirt + heels + bike doesn't work.

Today I left the house in bike pants and my sweatshirt with my dress neatly packed away ... as soon as I was within a block from work, though, I realized I forgot my tights/ 3/4 spandex to wear under the dress (way too short for the dress alone). Ugh.

Although it's a joy to ride to work, riding to work, then home, then work again is just not fun. So I went off on an adventure trying to find tights at 8am - sadly, most everything was closed. I went to every gym in the area, and finally made it to Walgreens - my morning savior. At Walgreens the only tights I could get were size L - oofa. I bought the tights and made my way to work to change, then, endured a day of way-too-low-in-the-in-between-the-leg-zone tights that kept getting stuck on my chair (I'm not kidding, the L made these things hang way too low).

Tonight I'm packing my clothes before I leave for work.

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