Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Deep thoughts – tree-ism ?...

While driving home, I marveled on how San Francisco is like a tree - the suits and businesspeople hurriedly work to make money, support SF life, and have fun. They are the roots. Small bits of these earnings go to the homeless and street performers. This crowd acts as the bark and leaves - besides the beautiful views and scenery, what people remember when they go back to Kansas is the man dressed as a trash can break-dancing in the middle of Union Square only to do back flips away from an oncoming trolley. Or, there's the tenderloin picture that gets burned in peoples' minds with cigarette gloved hands reaching for $0.02 to add to their savings.

Why the marveling analogy? Besides the presentation skills class I took a few weeks ago where I learned a good speech starts with a hook, I'm thinking again on work. My companies marketing functions are tree-like. At first glance, we look siloed (in a good way) with different teams focused on their deliverables. Analyzing closer, I feel like the field organization is like the roots of marketing - they're what keep the "tree" living by working with sales to actually bringing money into the company. The strategy group is more like the trunk and leaves - we put who and what we are as a company into the public so folks know what's being sold to them via animation and documents. Both need to work together to grow. Of course other groups play a huge roll - product marketing is the "food and water" relaying truths to deliver to customers or via advertising.

Gosh... I am so deep. Watch out Nietzsche, here I come!

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