Friday, June 29, 2007

Crispy dance floor

For the past few years, Matt, Linzy, and I (and more recently Steve) have enjoyed taco Tuesday almost religiously weekly. It started in college and moved to Nick's Crispy tacos on Polk. Because of work, sports, and shear laziness, we've let this ritual drop for the past three weeks - terrible, I know. Breaking the norm, last night (a Thursday mind you) we ventured up Polk to celebrate taco night - in lieu of the change in day we re-named it "Thirsty Thursday" just this once.

Nick's was packed. Not just the "my goodness how long are these people going to eat their chips, I want that table" packed but "I wish they could move over, it's too crowded even standing to eat" packed. Eventually Linzy and Steve worked magic and got a booth.

Unbenounced to us, Thursdays at Nick's are cheap drinks night. Margaritas were $2 (and tasted like it) so the drinks were flowing for half of Russian Hill. The best part is Nick's after hours is a swank night club where the too-cool-for-school-20somethings hang out.

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