Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Beat over the head with politics

Today I rode my bike to and from work (can't walk right now because somehow I messed up my ankle (somehow being a gorgeous pair of 4" heels)). Riding home I almost got taken out by a prop 8 sign!

I was riding along the Embarcadero paying more attention to the cars on my left than the sites on my right although occasionally my eyes did veer to the bridges and water. It's a good thing I took in the sites - when I glanced to the Ferry Building, I saw a sign coming at my head - an avid political activist was thrusting his sign at traffic but didn't notice me (I hope he didn't notice anyhow).

With all these propositions and media recommendations for how to vote, it's tough not to lose one's head!

OK, gotta get back to studying the CA ballot.