Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A weepy history

Today I visited the Mark Hopkins for a site visit for our company’s user conference. The hotel is awesome – a bit old fashioned, but you can’t pick a better place.
At the end of the site visit, the saleswoman did a brilliant move saying, “can you join me for a drink?” Well, I didn’t want to turn the poor girl down so of course I obliged making it up to the Top of the Mark. Upon reaching the Top, we ran into an events saleswoman and another hotel salesman (what a coincidence). Cheese plate and salami plate aside, a great history lesson/story was told thus continuing my recanting the stories of my love affair – San Francisco.

In the Top of the Mark there’s a window facing the Bay Bridge that used to be called the weeping window. This window was where loved ones went to wave a final farewell to their loves as they set off to sea for WWII.

On a happier/funnier note, the window has always been the site of countless engagements – thus causing tears (mostly of joy I’m sure). Apparently, when they renovated the hotel they put in new windows. When they went to remove the old windows they found scratch marks all along the bottom – these were not the marks of loves clawing for their lost, but the marks of women checking to make sure their diamonds were real after a proposal. Just picture it: “Will you marry me?” “One moment please…” (screeetch! = cut in the glass) “Yes!” (screeetch! = nothing but window vibration) “You know, I’m just not ready yet.”