Sunday, July 6, 2008

Race Day Roundup

I was a bit nervous for the Angel Island 16k because I hadn't raced in a while. Yesterday I drove to Tiburon and made my way on the ferry to Angel Island with GGRC. There were about 300 runners which was shocking - I had thought (and secretly been hoping) the numbers would have dwindled from later night 4th of July celebrators (my ploy for placing - racing in a low attendance race, but no - the crowds came).

The trail was awesome. Hard, but awesome. We ran the perimeter of the island twice getting to enjoy the scenery as we went.

I placed 2nd woman and 12th overall coming in at 1:21 (8:05 miles). The first place woman was amazing - she actually had gotten lost and added a few miles and still won! She was running at 5:20s - phenomenal.

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