Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The D-word

Today the father of one of Matt's good friends died. We're young, he was young. It wasn't supposed to happen yet. When a grandparent or wizened family friend passes, it hurts, but it's also half OK - they got to live, contribute, experience, and even hurt. They got to feel and go through 80-90+ years of whatever.

He was gardening and stepped on a rake which hit his hip and triggered something. An accident. A freak accident. Escalated into a tragedy. It wasn't supposed to happen. Not yet. He was "the funniest man" and "best father."

Hurts the heart.

I hate the D-word. Too many emotions attached - all different, all from different people, none have names (the emotions, not the people).

Loving life comes easy. It's recognizing that we love life that sometimes is tough.

Time to live. Love. Laugh.

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