Saturday, May 12, 2007

Biking and kayaking and ferrying oh my!

Today we met up with some old work friends and enjoyed the perfect Marin-San Francisco toggle. We met at Ft. Mason on bike and rode over the bridge to Sausalito. Riding over the bridge was fun as bikers get one side of the bridge and walkers the other. During the ride I kept thinking “I’m on the Golden Gate – the bridge people come from all over to visit and I’m just crossing to get somewhere.” How lucky. In between thinking how lucky we are, I was fighting the wind as around the curves it was pretty brutal. Once on the other side we jetted straight downhill and to Sea Trek.

Sea Trek is always a good time – I think kayakers are a bit like yoga addicts as they’re mellowed by the sun and salt and don’t really seem to care about who’s better/smarter/richer/faster – they just care about having fun and being healthy. Because it was so windy we rented two tandems and made our way out into the wind and waves. This was probably the most wind we’ve had to paddle through. Ducking into the house boat area “the coldesacks” our friend called them, we paddled past house boats that could undoubtedly rival mansions in Russian Hill.

The sea lions were out in full force today stinking up the kayak path and barking at the wind which added to the entertainment. After exhausting ourselves on a too-short paddle, we made our way to back to the bikes and to a restaurant called Fish. This restaurant always makes me laugh a bit as it’s a complete hole in the wall (an expensive one, but a hidden one) that boasts fresh fish and snacks but it’s always swarming with tourists. Two pitchers and 12 fish tacos later we were ready to head home. The wind was still putting up a force field so we decided to go ferry route instead of bike route. A good decision it turned out – my bike tires were completely flat by the time we made it to the ferry.

As soon as the ferry docked back in San Francisco I docked myself in the ferry building (chocolate section to be precise) and waited for Matt to ride home, come get the car, and come get me and my broken bike.

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