Monday, February 9, 2009

Share the road! Bikes and cars can be nice in SF ... or can they?

Today riding home from work I got into an ... altercation. I was on a "share the road" street when a car started honking at me. When I stopped at a light I looked left and a guy in a HUGE silver truck with his wife and kid in the passenger seat rolled down the window and yelled:

Guy: "You're not allowed to be on the road! Bikes can't be on the road."

'Um' ... I thought, just over the weekend the front of the newspaper proclaimed California a biking state and the streets all over the city have bike lanes and share the road signs.

Me: "You should read the CA driver's laws again - bikes can be on the road."

Light turned green and we both went off. Next light, I pulled up and stopped and asked the guy to roll his window down.

Me: "Sir, can I get your plate number? Seems you forgot to put it on your car."

A long pause.

Guy: "This is a new car."

Me: "Oh, OK. Still mad about bikes on the road?"

Guy: "I just couldn't get around you" (I had been weaving around the trolly coming into my lane.)

Me: "Oh, where should I have ridden?"

Guy: Silent ... light turned green and guy drove off.

Two things - first, don't ever yell at someone in front of your child. Ever. Second, if you're going to yell or start an on-the-road battle, know the laws!

1 comment:

rcpeters said...

Good job. I read a couple of bike advocacy blogs. Thought this post of one of them. Didn't realised it would your blog. Time to motivate matty to ride!