Monday, January 28, 2008

The stand in

Everything seemed more packed than normal this morning. At 7:58, no earlier, no later, I boarded the bus and it was full! Normally I'm the first or second person on - which is great because the void allows me to grab the coveted single seat by the door - but no, today the bus was full and I got sandwiched between a couple morning commuters juggling their coffee and magazines.

Worse than the crowd, this morning, was the driver. I think he must have been a stand-in - you know, one of those drivers who "borrows" the license of a friend or family member to help bring in a day's pay. The entire ride he was talking on the cell phone, eating, and waving at friends on the street. Mm hm, safety first.

I'm not sure if I was on the 10 or 20 this morning - hey, it was before my morning venti - whatever it was, the ride ended with a big fat 0.

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