Wednesday, April 11, 2007


In life we all want to own things. Kids “own” their toys and slowly learn to share…then to keep again. Teenagers and college students “own” their identities dressing in all black, low rider jeans, or Jimmys to show their individuality. Drivers “own” the road gracefully floating the finger when others try to intrude on their land/territory. People in San Francisco “own” the sidewalks having BBQs, leaving doggy doos, or just walking the width of the sidewalk versus moving forward. And career folk “own” their work wanting so badly to achieve credit or some kind of career-divinity by seeing a project through.

The problem with all of these? It becomes overwhelming!

Kids don’t know what to do with, or where to put, their toys once finished playing. Teenagers and college students move to new individual statements with the change of a magazine cover. Walkers cross the street when too many sidewalk “owners” get in the way. And career folk freak when “owning” so much becomes daunting and they realize they need help … one hour before something is due. At least drivers are consistent, or at least I try to be on the road, while you can’t always “own” your lane, you can “own” your reaction.

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