Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Bag of bags

No, this is not a story about a dream Gucci clutch filled with smaller versions for makeup, change, and general purpose. This is an ism about lunch. The other day I went to grab a “quick” lunch to eat at my desk. I walked around the corner to the only local restaurant I can remember the location of, and found a new smaller hole in the wall restaurant. Figuring I’d try something new, I slid in and went up to the register to order.

The menu was all in Hindi, but after being here nearly a month I didn’t want to have to ask everything on the menu again – stubborn and odd, I know. So instead, I pointed to the first thing on the menu, handed over 60 INR, and waited. Five-minutes later, and the waiter came out carrying a bag…you guessed it…of bags.

Back at the office I dove into the bag starving and ready for lunch. What I found dumbfounded me and I was stuck as to what to do. Half of the bags were filled with a different liquid. Two bags contained onions – two different types. One bag held roti. And a last bag enclosed spices. Not quick ‘n easy to eat, but definitely an experience.

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