Monday, February 12, 2007


I love days like today. It’s a Monday, so that’s not where the love part was coming in. But it was the perfect San Francisco field trip day. We’re looking at venues for our user conference party and ventured to the SF Giants ballpark. Now, while I don’t love sports, I do love San Francisco – and the ballpark is one of the veins of the city that seem to pump life through the 49 miles. Heading into the corporate offices, we passed posters and relics from old games and old images of the ballpark. After talking business, we walked through three doors and found ourselves in the private boxes of the ballpark.

Ah to be rich and really get to see a game here…then again, during the meeting I’m the one who thought baseball games were 4-innings. Oy. But, I can certainly still enjoy the sushi stands and wine booths inside the stadium walls. After the ballpark I “enjoyed” a field trip of another sort – the bus. I met Linzy in the Gap building where her office is. After feeling thoroughly underdressed we made our way to the bus stop where we got lucky and were the 4th on the bus – hence, we got seats. Less than 5-minutes later and 30-people fuller the bus was making its way through North Beach. Each stop brought a new class of worker – first there was there were the retailers, then the PR folks, then the financiers, and finally the temp-types. Getting off posed a new threat with people pushing and falling trying to make their way to the door. At least this bus ride wasn’t accompanied by the crazies Matt encountered on the bus on his way through China town…another story for another time.

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